Story Structure Analysis: The Hunger Games (Novel)

The Hunger Games. Book Cover. Plot summary and story structure.

Format: Novel

Released: 2008

Written By: Suzanne Collins

Run Time: 27 chapters

Character: Katniss Everdeen


Plot summary of the 2008 novel The Hunger Games continues below…

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Story Structure Analysis: The Hunger Games


All of the main characters are introduced. The story world and its mechanics are established. Foundations are laid for the main throughline, subplots and central conflict.


A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation and must assume a New Role.

Katniss Everdeen, an impoverished teen in the poorest region of the country (the imperfect situation), must defy the laws of the Capitol (oppressive opposition) to provide food for her mother and little sister, Prim (initial goal). But when the government holds the reaping (the disturbance), and Prim’s name is selected (the dilemma), Katniss volunteers to take her sister’s place in the Hunger Games as the tribute for District 12 (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: We learn in the first chapter Katniss is a poor, mud-crusted peasant. Her family and most other residents of her District live on the brink of starvation. We also learn she has a sweet, innocent kid sister, upon whom she seems to have imparted none of her survival skills.

Initial Goal: Katniss wants to hunt squirrels and pick berries with her buddy Gale, so their families don’t starve.

Oppressive Opposition: Through Katniss’ eyes, we discover the citizens of District 12 live under severe oppression from the Capital. Their lives are kept in a medieval stasis and there is scarcely enough food to go around. Deaths from starvation are common. As a result, Katniss must sneak through the fence constructed by the Capital to access the woods, where she can hunt the abundant, yet illegal game contained within. The Capitol will likely execute her if she is caught, but a gal’s gotta do what a gal’s gotta do.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance:  Katniss and the rest of District 12 attend the reaping ceremony in the town square, where one of the District’s children will be selected to participate in the 74th annual Hunger Games.

Turning Point One – The Dilemma: Start Time: After 1 of 27 Chapters (3.7%) – Despite her name only being entered once, Katniss’ sister, Prim is selected as tribute for District 12. Katniss is initially too shocked to do anything. She must choose between letting her sister go off to die in the Games, and volunteering to die in her place.

The New Role: If Katniss volunteers to take Prim’s place, she will become a tribute in the Games.

Act Run Time: 2 of 27 Chapters (7.4%)



The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: After 2 of 27 Chapters (7.4%)

Katniss sees how others live as she passes through the other Districts to the Capitol (the unfamiliar situation) and bumps heads with her coaches and fellow tributes (incidental opposition) as she begins learning how to survive the Games (the transitional goal). But when she has a botched scoring session with the Gamemakers and thinks Peeta is trying to manipulate her (the reality check), he confesses his love for her in an interview and locks her into their star-crossed love angle (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: Katniss is swept away in a train and taken toward the strange and mysterious Capitol. She sees a side of life and the world she has never before seen. She also begins to prepare for her fight to the death with people she doesn’t know (and one she does).

Transitional Goal: Learn how to survive the Hunger Games.

Incidental Opposition: Katniss bumps heads with Haymitch (who thinks she and Peeta will pretty much roll over and die), Effie (who thinks Katniss is being ungrateful for the wonderful opportunity she’s been presented with), Peeta (with whom she has a complicated history), and the “Careers” (tributes from the wealthier Districts who are just dying to kill someone). With the exception of the Careers, none of these people are out to thwart Katniss’ success. In fact, they are trying to help her.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Reality Check: Frustrated by their inattentiveness, Katniss fires an arrow at the Gamemakers during her scoring session. This earns her an unprecedented tribute score of 11 and makes her a target for the careers. Soon after, she learns Peeta has asked to be coached separately.

Turning Point Two – The Commitment: Start Time: After 8 of 27 Chapters (29.6%) – During her interview with Caesar, Katniss feels a resurgence of her resolve when she recalls the promise she made to Prim that she would win the Games. She makes an internal commitment to her New Role as a tribute.

During Peeta’s interview, he reveals to Caesar the girl he is in love with from District 12 came to the Games with him. Though Katniss is initially furious at this revelation, Haymitch explains to her that Peeta has made her appear desirable, something she has been unable to do on her own. Now, Peeta and Katniss become the epitome of tributes in the games. The star-crossed love angle, which Katniss is inadvertently committed to, makes them an audience favorite.

Act Run Time: 1 of 61 Chapters (3.7%)


The character is thrown in the middle of the Central Conflict and is placed at direct odds with the forces of antagonism. He undergoes a series of successes and failures as he works toward resolving the main throughline.


The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time:  After 9 of 27 Chapters (33.3%)

After the Games begin, Katniss tries to survive the attacks of the other tributes (the central conflict) who want to kill her (intentional opposition) before she can win the Games alone (the false goal). But when she discovers Peeta is working with the careers, and severely burns her leg (the turn), she uses a tracker jacker nest to attack the careers, is saved by Peeta and obtains a bow and arrows enabling her to fight back (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Katniss faces the external conflict of the other tributes in the Games, as well as the internal conflict of her feelings toward Peeta. She’s not just battling the other tributes; she’s battling to maintain her humanity.

False Goal: Katniss attempts to Survive the Games alone, but this is not the Ultimate Goal. If Peeta were to die in the arena, it would likely haunt her forever.

Intentional Opposition: Now that the Games have begun, “The Girl on Fire” is an, ahem, hot target for both the Gamemakers and the other tributes.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Turn: Katniss discovers Peeta is working with the careers to hunt her down. What a douche. Shortly thereafter, her leg is severely burned, and she bumps into the Careers who chase her up a tree like a pack of bloodthirsty hounds.

Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: After 13 of 27 Chapters (48.1%) – Thanks to Rue who she befriended in training, Katniss sees and plots to use a tracker jacker nest against the Careers. She saws off the nest and drops it on the unsuspecting careers, proving to herself she is willing to kill to survive. She is stung by the tracker jackers in the process but manages to grab a bow and arrows before she succumbs to the venom. Peeta also reveals his true nature by shaking her awake and telling her to run while the Careers are distracted.

When Katniss awakens from the venom, she realizes Peeta saved her life. More importantly, she has a bow and arrows and decides to fight back against Cato and the Careers.  She teams up with Rue, and the two concoct an offensive plan; they will destroy the supplies the Careers have hoarded to make them hungry, seeing as it’s the Hunger Games and all.

Act Run Time: 6 of 27 Chapters (22.2%)


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: After 15 of 27 Chapters (55.5%)

Katniss forms an alliance with Rue to attack the Careers (the doomed plan) and nearly gets herself blown up (self-inflicted opposition) while trying to destroy the careers supplies (the penultimate goal). But when Rue is trapped in a net and killed by one of the Career (the lowpoint), the Gamemakers announce a rule change allowing Peeta and Katniss to win the Games together (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Katniss and Rue plan to attack the Careers by destroying their supplies. While they do succeed in their objective, their plan leads to Rue being captured and murdered at the hands of the Careers.

Penultimate Goal: Katniss and Rue attempt to destroy the supplies the Careers have hoarded.

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Katniss figures out the Careers supplies are guarded by mines. She targets a bag of apples with her arrows to trigger them, nearly blowing herself up in the process. Katniss’ plan ends up getting Rue killed. Way to go, Katniss. It’s probably for the best since only one of them could have survived anyway.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Lowpoint: Rue gets trapped in a net and killed by another tribute. I nearly shed a tear. Afterward, Katniss wanders about in a fog wondering how she should proceed. It would seem it has all been for naught.

Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: Start Time: After 17 of 27 Chapters (62.9%) – The announcer, um, announces that not only is Peeta alive, but he and Katniss can win the Games together! She makes the decision that she will do any and everything to find Peeta and win the Games with him. Rue who?!

Act Run Time:  3 of 27 Chapters (11.1%)


The character and the forces of antagonism engage in a final confrontation to resolve the Central Conflict. The main throughline and all additional subplots are resolved. The new status quo is established.


The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: After 18 of 27 Chapters (66.6%)

Katniss tries to find Peeta and get medicine to nurse him back to health (the longshot) while facing off with the remaining tributes in the Cornucopia (ultimate opposition), so she and Peeta can win the Games together (the ultimate goal). But when the Gamemakers drive them out of their love nest and sick the muttations on them (all is lost), Katniss and Peeta face off with the last remaining tribute and outsmart the Capitol with nightlock berries to win the Games as a team (the final push).

The Longshot: Katniss attempts to find Peeta and nurse him back to health.

Ultimate Goal: Katniss and Peeta will try to win the Games together.

Ultimate Opposition: Katniss manages to find Peeta, but he is badly injured and nearly dead. The Gamemakers try to lure all the remaining tributes into a showdown at the Cornucopia, by offering them each something they need. Peeta refuses to let Katniss go, but knowing he will die from his wounds if she doesn’t, Katniss gives him a sleeping elixir and sneaks out.

With Peeta unconscious, Katniss goes to the Cornucopia and faces the other tributes. She is severely wounded in the confrontation and barely makes it back to Peeta. She injects him with the medicine and passes out.

Turning Point Catalyst – All is Lost: Katniss and Peeta awaken to find the stream outside their cave has dried up. They realize the Gamemakers are driving them toward the lake for a bloody fight to the death, and they can no longer lie around and wait for the other tributes to kill each other. The two resolve to end it all that day. As they approach the lake, the last remaining tribute, Cato, surprises them by bursting into the clearing. Katniss realizes he isn’t attacking, but running from creatures the Gamemakers have unleashed to kill them all.

Turning Point Five – The Final Push: After 24 of 27 Chapters (88.8%) – Cato bursts into the clearing being chased by creatures Katniss calls muttations. Cato, Katniss and Peeta climb onto the Cornucopia. As Peeta and Katniss fight off the pack, Cato gets Peeta in a headlock. Peeta signals for Katniss to shoot Cato’s hand and he knocks Cato over the side into the wolf pack. When the Gamemakers refuse to let the muttations kill Cato, Katniss shoots him with an arrow as an act of mercy.

With only Katniss and Peeta left, the Gamemakers revoke their previous rule change and announce there can now only be one winner. Gambling on a last resort, Katniss and Peeta prepare to eat the poisoned nightlock berries, but the announcer interrupts and declares them both the victors.

Act Run Time: 7 of 27 Chapters (25.9%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: After 25 of 27 Chapters (92.5%)

Having beaten the Capitol at their own game (literally), Katniss and Peeta give TV interviews before being taken back to District 12 to start their new lives.

The New Situation: Haymitch tells Katniss the Capitol is furious over her theatrics with the nightlock berries. She realizes the most dangerous part of the Games has yet to begin, and she will likely have to suffer through a sequel. Katniss and Peeta appear on the reunion show and continue to play up their relationship, attending a bittersweet victory banquet afterward. The pair is taken by train back to their District where they discuss how Peeta thought their love was real and Katniss didn’t. Burn.

Act Run Time: 2 of 27 Chapters (7.4%)

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