Story Structure Analysis: La La Land

La La Land Movie PosterFormat: Movie

Released: 2016

Written and Directed By: Damien Chazelle

Run Time: 120 minutes

Character(s): Sebastian Wilder and Mia Dolan

New Role: Partners in a synergistic relationship.

Plot summary of the 2016 romantic comedy-drama musical film La La Land (aka: Two Scorpios in a Relationship) continues below…

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Story Structure Analysis: La La Land


All of the main characters are introduced. The story world and its mechanics are established. Foundations are laid for the main throughline, subplots and central conflict.

The opening scene establishes the film will be interjected with surrealistic music numbers. We meet Mia and Sebastian and learn what they’re passionate about, acting and jazz respectively, and why. The chemistry between the two is established and built upon.


A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation and must assume a New Role.

Aspiring actress Mia Dolan works as a barista (the imperfect situation) for dismissive managers and rude customers (oppressive opposition) as she tries to land acting work (initial goal). But when she reluctantly attends a party with her roommates that inadvertently leads her to a bar where a piano player enchants her (the disturbance), the two hit it off when they run into each other again and he decides to pursue her (the dilemma) in a synergistic relationship (the new role).

Sebastian Wilder is trying to get back on his feet after a bad business deal (the imperfect situation) and takes a series of demeaning gigs (oppressive opposition) as he tries to find work as a musician (initial goal). But when he’s fired for deviating from the setlist by playing a passionate jazz song that captures the attention of an aspiring young actress (the disturbance) the two continue to run into each other (the dilemma) and he decides to pursue her (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: Mia is a lowly barista who dreams of becoming an actress. She is constantly snubbed in her auditions by distracted casting directors. 

Sebastian is a struggling musician who dreams of opening his own jazz club. He is struggling to get back on his feet after being ripped off by a former business partner and takes whatever music gigs he can get. 

Initial Goal: Mia: Find work as an actress/ Sebastian: Find work as a musician.

Oppressive Opposition: Mia’s boss is dismissive of her taking time off for auditions. The casting agents show little interest in her performances. The system seems to be working against her. When her roommates insist on taking her out, she doesn’t fit in with the Hollywood lifestyle. 

Sebastian’s sister insists that he become more responsible. When he gets a gig playing Christmas music at a restaurant, the manager refuses to let him play any jazz whatsoever. It is implied that he is being given a second chance after breaking this rule in the past. When he does it again he is immediately terminated. The next gig he gets is playing in an 80s cover band. 

Episode 1: Out of Order: 0 minutes – Sebastian and Mia first make acquaintance in LA rush hour traffic.

Love at first site.

Afterward, Mia goes to work as a barista on the Warner Brothers lot. As she leaves for an audition, a customer spills coffee on her white shirt and she’s forced to wear her coat to cover the stain. Despite how good she does during her audition, the casting agents are distracted and she’s ultimately dismissed when the director’s assistant interrupts her reading with a message. As Mia leaves, we see the casting office is filled with taller, prettier versions of her. 

Episode 2: Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance: 9 minutes (7.5%) – Mia’s roommates convince her to go with them to a party and she reluctantly agrees. As she predicted, she has a terrible time there. She goes to leave only to find her car has been towed and her cell phone battery is dead. Mia sets out on foot and walks past a jazz bar playing enchanting piano music that draws her inside. There she lays eyes on the piano player and the rest of the world fades away. 

When two Scorpios meet.

Note: The Out of Order/Disturbance Episodes repeat for Sebastian.

Episode 1: Out of Order: 18 minutes (15%) – Sebastian returns to his apartment to find his sister messing with his jazz memorabilia. She tries to set him up with a girl. Their conversation reveals Sebastian is trying to get back on his feet after being ripped off by a business associate.

Episode 2: Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance: 21 minutes (17.5%) – Sebastian plays Christmas music at a restaurant. He tries to convince the manager to let him play a little jazz as well, but JK Simmons isn’t having it. Despite the warning, he lapses into a passionate jazz song, the same enchanting melody Mia heard from outside, and his performance gets him shitcanned by Jonah Jameson. Mia attempts to praise his performance but he blows her off. 

Episode 3: Turning Point One – The Dilemma: 26 minutes (21.6%) – Mia goes to a party where she sees Sebastian playing with an 80s cover band. He apologizes for being a jerk to her at the bar. They talk about how strange it is to keep meeting each other but continue to banter and trade insults despite the obvious chemistry between them.

No chemistry whatsoever.

They sing a duet about how they’ll never get together before Mia gets a phone call and has to leave. Sebastian walks her to her car and after she leaves, reflects positively on their exchange.

The New Role: Partners in a synergistic relationship.

Act Run Time: 38 minutes (31.6%)


The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: 38 minutes (31.6%)

Mia and Sebastian start spending time together (the unfamiliar situation) despite Mia already having a boyfriend and prior obligations (incidental opposition) as they get to know each other and their respective interests (transitional goal). But when Mia flakes out on her movie date with Sebastian to go out with Greg (the reality check), the jazz playing over the intercom makes her long for Sebastian and she runs to make their date where they dance and kiss  (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: Sebastian and Mia begin spending time together and learning about one another’s dreams. 

Transitional Goal: Get to know one another and their respective interests.

Incidental Opposition: Mia already has a boyfriend. A customer at Mia’s job is disgruntled with the service. Mia doesn’t like jazz, mainly because she is ignorant about its history and true form. Mia has a prior obligation to her boring boyfriend Greg that interferes with her plans with Sebastian. When Sebastian and Mia attempt to kiss in the theater, the film breaks in the movie projector. 

Episode 4: Rushed Initiation: 38 minutes (31.6%) – After her time spent with Sebastian, Mia is in a dancing mood on her way to work. Sebastian shows up unannounced at Mia’s coffee shop, much to the chagrin of her customers.

“Is this Starbucks?”

They walk around the lot and he tells her about the jazz places he likes. She tells him about why she became an actress and how her aunt used to watch her one-girl plays. She tells him she hates jazz. He intends to change her mind. 

He takes her to a jazz club and explains the merits of jazz. Mia gets a callback on an audition. When Mia references Rebel without a Cause in a way that makes it clear she’s never seen it, Sebastian offers to take her to see the movie and the two make a date.

Episode 5: Turning Point Catalyst – The Reality Check: 48 minutes (40 %) – Mia goes to her audition but doesn’t even get to read all her lines. While preparing to meet Sebastian at the movies, she is reminded that she is supposed to be going out to eat when her boyfriend Greg pops up unexpectedly with his visiting brother. She goes to the restaurant instead of going out with Sebastian, but the other members of her party turn out to be boring yuppies. 

Episode 6: Turning Point Two – The Commitment: 51 minutes (42.5%) – Mia hears her and Sebastian’s jazz love theme playing over the overhead speaker and runs out to meet Sebastian at the cinema. She dramatically stands in front of the movie screen and he sees her. Sebastian and Mia watch Rebel Without a Cause. They hold hands. When they attempt to kiss, the film projector breaks, but Mia has an alternative plan. She and Sebastian go to Griffith Observatory and dance through clouds and space. They finally kiss.

Act Run Time: 21 minutes (17.5%) 


The character is thrown in the middle of the Central Conflict and is placed at direct odds with the forces of antagonism. He undergoes a series of successes and failures as he works toward resolving the main throughline.

Both Sebastian and Mia begin to question the plausibility of their dreams. Mia decides to quite her job and focus on writing a one-woman play. Sebastian takes a job playing in a jazz pop band. His new gig puts stress on he and Mia’s relationship, ultimately leading them to part ways.


The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time: 59 minutes (49%) 

Sebastian begins to compromise on his dreams (the central conflict) when his lack of financial security becomes an issue (intentional opposition) in his pursuit of a relationship with Mia (false goal). And when Sebastian’s old classmate offers him a position in his band, and he later overhears Mia talking about his lack of a job (the turn), Sebastian visits Keith and agrees to his offer despite his dislike for the type of music they play (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Sebastian and Mia chasing their dreams vs. giving up on them.

False Goal: Be in a relationship together.

Intentional Opposition: Sebastian and Mia’s jazz club date night is interrupted by Keith who tries to enlist Sebastian in his band. Although Sebastian initially declines, Mia’s mom’s concern that he may be a bum prompts him to reconsider. Sebastian joining the band ultimately becomes the wedge in their relationship that destroys it. 

Episode 7: Hard-Earned Progress: 59 minutes (49%) – Sebastian comes to pick Mia up while she is working on her one-woman play. The couple begins hanging out regularly and going on dates all over the city. He teaches her more about jazz which she has now come to appreciate.

Perhaps not as much as him.

Episode 8: Turning Point Catalyst – The Turn: 62 minutes (51.6%) – While enjoying a night at a jazz club, Mia and Sebastian run into Sebastian’s old classmate Keith. Keith offers Sebastian a job as a keyboardist in his jazz fusion band, but Sebastian declines.

Afterward, Mia reads Seb her play, which he loves. She shows him a logo she made for his club and they have a difference of opinion over the name. When Mia inquires if he’s going to call Keith, Sebastian tells her he’s not interested in taking the job.

Episode 9: Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: 65 minutes (54%) – The next morning, Sebastian overhears Mia talking to her mom about him, specifically how he doesn’t have a steady gig, but will eventually open his own club. This prompts Sebastian to visit Keith, hear his offer and decide to take him up on it. The band plays well, but Sebastian doesn’t seem to enjoy himself playing their type of music. After their session, Keith tells him he is holding onto the past and needs to focus on the future. 

When Mia comes home, the two of them sing a duet of City of Stars.

Act Run Time: 12 minutes (10%) 


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: 71 minutes (59%)

Sebastian begins touring with Keith’s band (the doomed plan) under the belief it will make Mia happy (self-inflicted opposition) to see he is a working musician (penultimate goal). But when Mia accuses him of selling out, and Sebastian misses her play, she resolves to move back to Nevada (the lowpoint) until Sebastian tracks her down to tell her she has an audition (the newfound resolve).

Mia quits her job to write her play (the doomed plan) and deals with the pressures of possible failure (self-inflicted opposition) as she prepares to perform the play (penultimate goal). But when Sebastian misses it and hardly anyone attends, she decides to move back home  (the lowpoint) only to be tracked down by Sebastian with news of an audition (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Sebastian joins Keith’s band to make Mia proud, but it instead makes her accuse him of giving up on his dreams. 

Penultimate Goal: Mia: Create and perform a one-woman play. /Sebastian: Be a working musician.

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Sebastian joins the band thinking it will make Mia happy, but his plan backfires. Not only does she think he’s sold out and abandoned his dream, but his obligations to the band also cause him to miss her play. Unable to forgive him, she resolves to move back to Nevada, bringing an end to their relationship.

Episode 10: False Sense of Heroism: 71 minutes (59%) – Sebastian officially signs a contract with Keith’s band. Mia quits her job and leases the theater for her play. Seb and Mia begin pursuing their individual pursuits.

Mia watches from a packed crowd as Sebastian performs with Keith’s band. She is dismayed to realize he’s sold out, playing a synthesizer with backup dancers on the stage. In spite of her feelings, he seems to be genuinely content with the gig.

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Episode 11: Turning Point Catalyst – The Lowpoint: 76 minutes (63.3%) – Sebastian is on tour. Mia tries to call him but can’t reach him. When she gets home, she finds he has surprised her by returning to LA and making dinner. He invites her to come to Boise with him, but she refuses, saying she needs to rehearse for her play. Seb tells her they need to try to see each other more, but he’s going to be on tour for the long haul. The two argue about Sebastian giving up on his dream to play music he doesn’t like. Mia storms out when Sebastian claims she liked him more when he was unsuccessful. 

“Look at me now!”

Sebastian forgets about an obligation to attend a photoshoot with the band’s photoshoot the same night as Mia’s play. He attends the photoshoot, but the photographer’s direction makes him feel like even more of a sellout.

Mia’s play opens to a very small audience that applauds, but she overhears some of them talking about how bad she was. Sebastian races to the theater after the photoshoot to apologize. She tearful tells him the show bombed and she’s giving up on her dream of becoming an actress and going home to Boulder City, effectively ending their relationship. Sad music plays as Sebastian goes back to playing weddings.

Episode 12: Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: 92 minutes (76.6%) – Sebastian gets a call for Mia from a casting agent. He drives to Boulder to collect her, but she tells him she isn’t going. She tells him she doesn’t think she’s good enough. He reprimands her for giving up so easily and resolves to come back the next morning to take her to the audition. The next day, Mia shows up just as Sebastian is about to leave and the two head to LA for her audition. 

Act Run Time: 25 minutes (20.8%)


The character and the forces of antagonism engage in a final confrontation to resolve the Central Conflict. The main throughline and all additional subplots are resolved. The new status quo is established.

His experience with Mia leads Sebastian to recommit to his dream. He convinces her to do the same and she lands a breakout role, becoming a famous actress. Meanwhile, Sebastian finally opens his club and, five years later, Mia and her new husband stumble into it.


The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: 96 minutes (80%)

Mia attends a final audition (the longshot) and must overcome her self-doubt (ultimate opposition) to land the role of a lifetime, tailored just for her (ultimate goal). But when she asked to tell a story in lieu of a traditional audition (all is lost) she sings the story of her theater actress aunt who inspired her to chase her dreams (the final push).

The Longshot: Despite her past failures, Mia auditions for one last part. The pair realize that if she gets the part and travels to Paris, their relationship may never recommence. 

Ultimate Goal: Mia: Attend the audition of a lifetime. /Sebastian: Figure out how to open a place of his own.

Ultimate Opposition: Mia must face her fear of rejection for another audition, this time being asked to improvise a story of her own. 

Episode 13: Here’s the Plan:  96 minutes (80%) – Sebastian and Mia wait for her turn to audition. The casting director informs her the movie will be shot in Paris, and that since there isn’t a script for the film yet, the part will be written to best fit the actress.

Episode 14: Turning Point Catalyst – All is Lost: In lieu of a traditional audition, she’s instructed to simply tell them a story.

Episode 15: Turning Point Five – The Final Push: Mia sings a powerful story about her theater actress aunt who inspired her to chase her dreams. 

Afterward, she discusses her audition with Sebastian, who is confident she’s going to get the part. She asks what the status of their relationship is. He tells her that when she gets the part she has to focus on it and give it everything she has. Meanwhile, he will stay in LA to get his own thing going. 

They tell each other they’ll always love one another. 

“At least until I meet someone else.”

Act Run Time: 7 minutes (5.8%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: 103 minutes (85.8%)

Mia is now a famous actress, a mother and married to another man. Sebastian now owns his own successful jazz club (the new situation).

Episode 16: The New Situation: 103 minutes (85.8%): Five years later, Mia is a famous actress and is married to another man with whom she has a daughter. While out one night, the couple stumbles upon a jazz bar. Noticing the logo for Seb’s she once designed, Mia realizes it is Sebastian’s club. When Sebastian notices her in the crowd, he begins to play their love theme on the piano. A dream sequence unfolds in which the two imagine what might have been, had their relationship thrived alongside their careers. Mia shares a poignant smile with Sebastian then leaves with her husband.

“Here’s looking at you, kid.”

Act Run Time: 17 minutes (14.1%) 

To learn more about six act structure, purchase your copy of “Actions and Goals: The Story Structure Secret” today!

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