Story Structure Analysis: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Novel)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Book Cover. Plot Summary and Story Structure.Format: Novel

Released: 1997

Written By: Joanne “Just Kidding” Rowling

Run Time: 17 Chapters

Character: Harry Potter (duh)


Plot summary of the 1997 novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone continues below…

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Story Structure Analysis


All of the main characters are introduced. The story world and its mechanics are established. Foundations are laid for the main throughline, subplots and central conflict.


A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation, and must assume a New Role.

10-year-old orphan, Harry Potter, lives with his mean old aunt, uncle and cousin (the imperfect situation) who mistreat him at every turn (oppressive opposition) as he attempts to survive their torments (the initial goal). But when Harry begins receiving hundreds of magical letters which his uncle forbids him from opening (the disturbance), the giant, half-giant, Hagrid informs Harry he’s a wizard and offers him the choice to attend Hogwarts (the dilemma) and become a student of magic (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: Harry’s life sucks. The Dursleys are bullies who mistreat him. His bedroom is a spiderweb riddled cupboard. He is frequently babysat by a smelly cat lady.

Initial Goal: Harry just wants to survive the torments of his family until he’s old enough to leave them.

Oppressive Opposition: Harry is harassed by his aunt, uncle and cousin. They make him sleep in a cupboard under the stairs, treat him like a servant and never let him do anything enjoyable. He is frequently punished for things he didn’t do (well, at least that he didn’t do on purpose).

Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance: As his eleventh birthday approaches, Harry begins receiving a queer amount of letters. When his Uncle Vernon prevents Harry from reading them, the number of letters grows exponentially. This drives his uncle mad in his attempts to prevent Harry from seeing them.

Turning Point One – The Dilemma: Start Time: After 3 of 17 Chapters (17.6%) – Hagrid bursts through the door of the rickety shack at midnight on Harry’s eleventh birthday and reveals the truth of his parentage before inviting him to attend Hogwarts. Harry must choose between staying with the Dursleys and going off to wizarding school. A difficult decision to be sure.

The New Role: If Harry decides to attend Hogwarts, he will become a wizard in training.

Act Run Time: 4 of 17 Chapters (23.5%)


The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: After 4 of 17 Chapters (23.4%)

Harry takes his first foray into the magical world by visiting Diagon Alley with Hagrid (the unfamiliar situation) and realizes his lack of magical knowledge (incidental opposition) while trying to purchase school supplies in preparation for attending Hogwarts (the transitional goal). But when he doesn’t know how to access the train and has confrontations with some of his fellow students on the ride to school (the reality check), he learns about the House system and subsequently becomes a Gryffindor (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: Harry takes his first steps into the magical world when Hagrid takes him through the Leaky Cauldron into Diagon Alley. He then travels to and arrives at Hogwarts.

Transitional Goal: Harry prepares for and travels to Hogwarts to become a wizarding student. His goal in this act doesn’t extend beyond that, because he doesn’t know what to expect when he arrives at the school.

Incidental Opposition: In Diagon Alley, Harry meets Malfoy, though not by name, who expresses his belief that only the finer Wizarding families should be allowed to attend Hogwarts. Next, Harry has difficulty finding a wand. When he finally finds one, Mr. Ollivander says it is the brother to the wand that gave Harry his scar. Voldemort.

Later, Harry can’t access platform 9¾ to get on the train to school. When he finally boards the train, he encounters the bossy Hermione and dickish Malfoy who calls Ron poor and tries to steal Harry’s sweeties. When they arrive at the castle, the first years are sent to an anteroom where they learn they will be sorted into Houses. Harry mistakenly believes this will involve a physical test in front of the whole school and worries he will embarrass himself.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Reality Check:  Harry arrives at the train station and gets a crash course in the magical world when he discovers platform 9¾ doesn’t exist. Luckily he meets the Weasley family and their son, Ron whom he befriends. He learns of the robbery at Gringotts from Ron, as well as the fact you should never say Voldemort’s name. He’s like the boogeyman or Candyman. He also meets a few other students aboard the train, including Hermione and Malfoy. This proves life at Hogwarts won’t be all fun and games. When the train arrives at the school, Harry stomach lurches with nerves and Ron goes pale beneath his freckles. Hagrid leads the first years by boat to the castle and they marvel in awe.

Turning Point Two – The Commitment: Start Time: After 6 of 17 Chapters (35.2%) – Harry knows nothing of the House system at Hogwarts. Ron tells him he’s heard the sorting is administered via test and Harry becomes nervous. After a bit of fuss with the Sorting Hat, Harry becomes more than a mere student. He becomes a Gryffindor, committing himself to his New Role as a student of magic.

Act Run Time: 3 of 17 Chapters (17.6%)


The character is thrown in the middle of the Central Conflict and is placed at direct odds with the forces of antagonism. He undergoes a series of successes and failures as he works toward resolving the main throughline.


The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time: After 7 of 17 Chapters (41%)

Harry bumps heads with Snape and Malfoy (the central conflict) who are both out to thwart his attempts (intentional opposition) to pass classes and learn magic (the false goal). But when Malfoy baits Harry into an after-hours duel, leading him to a chamber containing a Cerberus (the turn), Harry tricks Hagrid into revealing the owner of the package the dog is guarding (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Harry contends with Snape/Quirrell/Voldemort, and Draco Malfoy.

False Goal: Harry wants to learn magic and pass classes.

Intentional Opposition: Snape obviously has something against young Mr. Potter. Malfoy tries to get Harry detention. Harry has his first Quidditch match and is cursed by Snape/Quirrell.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Turn: After a disagreement with Malfoy, Harry agrees to meet him after hours for a duel. When he arrives, the invitation is revealed to be an attempt to set Harry up for expulsion. Harry and his fellow moppets run and hide in the forbidden part of the castle to avoid the school’s caretaker, Filch. There they encounter a three-headed dog blocking a trap door, and Harry concludes it is guarding the package Hagrid retrieved from Gringotts Bank. Apparently, there are serious plots afoot at Hogwarts.

Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: Start Time:  After 9 of 17 Chapters (52.9%) – A troll attack disrupts the Halloween feast. Harry and Ron realize their poor treatment of Hermione lead her to flee into the troll’s path. Harry resolves to adhere to his true nature by fighting the troll, leading the trio to become inseparable friends.

Act Run Time: 3 of 17 Chapters (17.6%)


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: After 10 of 17 Chapters (58.8%)

Harry tries to help Hagrid smuggle a baby dragon out of Hogwarts (the doomed plan), and risks being caught by repeatedly going out after hours (self-inflicted opposition) while trying to figure out what Snape is trying to steal from the guarded room (the penultimate goal). But when he’s caught out after hours, loses Gryffindor the top spot for the House Cup and is shunned by his own house (the lowpoint), Harry discovers Voldemort is trying to come back to life and vows to stop him at all costs (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Their pursuit of Snape leads the gang to discover Hagrid is in possession of an illegal dragon egg. Harry helps Hagrid deliver the baby Dragon to Ron’s brother, Charlie, to keep Hagrid from getting in trouble. While he does manage to keep Hagrid’s secret safe, Harry brings a great deal of trouble upon himself in the process.

Penultimate Goal: Harry and the little rascals try to figure out what Snape is so obviously trying to steal from the locked room.

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Harry runs the risk of being caught when he continues to sneak out every night. He is ultimately busted by Dumbledore while visiting the Mirror of Erised. Later, Harry learns Draco knows of Hagrid’s dragon and volunteers to deliver it to Charlie’s friends. He is subsequently caught out at night, loses 150 House points and is shunned by his fellow Gryffindors. Way to go, Harry.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Lowpoint: After catching Harry and Hermione returning from delivering Hagrid’s dragon to Ron’s brother Charlie, Filch escorts them to Professor McGonagall. This earns them all detention and loses them enough house points to put Gryffindor in last place. Because of this, Harry is shunned by the rest of Gryffindor and resolves to avoid any actions that may cost them more house points.

Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: Start Time: After 14 of 17 Chapters (82.3%) – When Harry goes on his detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest, he is separated from the group and stumbles upon a hooded figure drinking blood from a dead unicorn. He learns from Firenze, the centaur, that unicorn blood can keep someone alive who may be waiting for something stronger to truly bring him back to life. Harry realizes the figure he saw was Voldemort. Dun dun duhn.

Act Run Time: 5 of 17 Chapters (29.4%)


The character engages in a final confrontation with the forces of antagonism to resolve the Central Conflict. The main throughline and all additional subplots are resolved. The new status quo is established.


The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: After 15 of 17 Chapters (88.2%)

Harry and the gang go into the trap door with no adult supervision (the longshot) and face a series of deadly tests (ultimate opposition) while trying to stop Snape from stealing the stone for Voldemort (the ultimate goal). But when Ron is gravely injured and Hermione is forced to get help (all is lost), Harry enters the final chamber alone and faces off with Quirrell and Voldemort (the final push).

The Longshot: Unable to bring any adults to their aide, Harry, Ron and Hermione go into the trap door by themselves to stop Snape from stealing the Stone.

Ultimate Goal: Harry wants to go into the trapdoor and stop Snape from stealing the Stone.

Ultimate Opposition: Harry and the gang have to pass a progressive series of tests set up by the professors and are nearly killed in the process. Harry makes it to the end and faces off with Quirrell and Voldemort. Or at least Voldemort’s noseless face on the back of Quirrell’s head.

Turning Point Catalyst – All is Lost: The three urchins must pass several tests to make it into the giant wizard chess room. Ron, being our resident idiot savant, realizes he must sacrifice himself for Harry and Hermione to take the game. Next, Harry discovers there isn’t enough magic potion for both he and Hermione to reach the room with the stone and sends her back to tend to Ron. He has lost all his backup.

Turning Point Five – The Final Push: Start Time: After 16 of 17 Chapters (94.1%) – Harry bursts into the final room to find not Snape, but the timid and sniveling Professor Quirrell. Quirrell gives his evil monologue to Harry’s detriment, giving Harry sufficient time to figure out how to get the stone from the mirror. Harry meets Voldemort and “faces” off with him for the first of many times to come. Realizing that touching Harry causes Quirrell excruciating pain, Harry grabs him as he prepares to perform a deadly curse. Harry, too, is in pain and passes out.

Act Run Time: 1.5 of 17 Chapters (8.8%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: After 16.5 of 17 Chapters (97%)

The New Situation: Harry awakens in the hospital wing to Dumbledore’s smiling countenance. The Headmaster recounts everything that transpired after Harry passed out like a little bitch, as well as the real reason the Stone was moved to Hogwarts; Voldemort is trying to impersonate Jesus by coming back to life. As a result, Harry’s life has just gotten a lot more complicated.

Act Run Time: 0.5 of 17 Chapters (2.9%)

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