Story Structure Analysis: Carlito’s Way (Movie)

Carlito's Way Story Structure. Official Movie PosterFormat: Movie

Released: 1993

Screenplay By: David Koepp

Directed By: Brian De Palma

Run Time: 129 minutes

Character: Carlito Brigante


Plot summary of the 1993 film Carlito’s Way continues below…

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Carlito’s Way: Story Structure Analysis



A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation, and must assume a New Role.

Reformed criminal Carlito Brigante is released from prison (the imperfect situation) and is expected to return to a life of crime by everyone he knows (oppressive opposition) even though he wants to find a means of going clean (initial goal). But when his cousin is killed in a drug deal gone wrong (the disturbance) Carlito takes the drug money and uses it to take Kleinfeld up on his offer (the dilemma) to become the manager of a nightclub (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: Though Carlito is released early from his 30 year prison sentence, everyone harasses him about returning to a life of crime.

Initial Goal: Find a way of life without returning to crime.

Oppressive Opposition: No one thinks Carlito is reformed. Kleinfeld gives Carlito a hard time for wanting to go clean. Rolando thinks Carlito is still in the drug game. His little cousin asks him to come on a drug run with him, drawing him back into the life he’s trying to leave behind.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance: 9 minutes (13.1%) – Kleinfeld takes to Carlito to a dance club with some hot babes. Later that night, he asks Carlito to run a nightclub for him. Carlito turns him down.

Carlito goes on a stroll through his old barrio with his old friend Pachanga. He is approached by Rolando’s man Walberto. Rolando wants to know who Carlito is working with and is surprised to learn Carlito is retired.

Turning Point One – The Dilemma: 17 minutes (13.1%) – Carlito’s cousin asks him to come with him on a drug pick up to impress his clients. The pick up turns out to be a setup and Carlito’s cousin is killed. 

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act One. Guajiro is killed.
“I hate to say I told you so, but…”

Carlito kills the would-be bandits and takes the $30,000. He doesn’t invite this sh*t, it just comes to him.

Carlito visits Kleinfeld’s office and tells him he will run the club until he saves up $75,000. Kleinfeld offers to put up the $25,000, but Carlito says he will only do it with his own money. Kleinfeld asks Carlito to find him a bodyguard and Carlito recommends Pachanga.

The New Role: A nightclub manager

Act Run Time: 29 of 129 minutes (22.4%)


The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: 29 of 129 minutes (22.4%)

Carlito becomes a nightclub manager for the first time in his life (the unfamiliar situation) and deals with the criminal activities his new profession attracts (incidental opposition) while trying to save up $75,000 to flee to the Bahamas (transitional goal). But when Kleinfeld is threatened by Tony Taglialucci and District Attorney Norwalk (the reality check), Carlito’s old friend Lalin shows up at the club wearing a wire and reveals that someone told Norwalk Carlito’s been dealing again (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: Carlito begins working as a nightclub manager. It proves a bit more difficult than he thought.

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act Two. Club Paraiso.
Pacino doesn’t have the best track record with nightclubs.

Transitional Goal: Run a nightclub.

Incidental Opposition: Sasso doesn’t initially want to give up more than 25% of his end in the club. Pachanga proves himself incompetent. Carlito meets a young, seemingly disrespectful upstart criminal, Benny Blanco he takes a disliking to. Kleinfeld would appear to be being strong-armed by a mobster for something he didn’t do. Norwalk sends Lalin to Carlito’s bar after Kleinfeld misleads him into thinking Carlito is dealing again.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Reality Check: 36 of 129 minutes (27.9%) – Carlito tracks Gale down and reunites with her. The two have coffee and she tells him to give her some time to come to terms with his sudden reappearance.

Kleinfeld meets with Mr. Tony Taglialucci who threatens to have him killed if he doesn’t help him escape. When Kleinfeld returns to his office he is visited by District Attorney Norwalk who warns him his problems are not just going to go away.

Turning Point Two – The Commitment: 50 of 129 minutes (38.7%) – While counting his savings and planning to escape in a few months, Carlito gets a visit from his old friend Lalin who turns out to be wearing a wire for the police.

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act Two. Lalin wears a wire.
“So a Dane and an Italian walk into a movie about Hispanics, right…”

Carlito goes to Kleinfeld and tells him someone told Norwalk he was dealing again. “There’s nobody left”.

Act Run Time: 29 of 129 minutes (22.4%)



The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time: 58 of 129 minutes (44.9%)

Carlito foolishly trusts Kleinfeld (the central conflict) and makes an enemy of Benny Blanco (intentional opposition) while trying to avoid getting caught up in the criminal activities around him (false goal). But after he he assaults Benny and decides against killing him (the turn), Kleinfeld asks him to help spring Tony Taglialucci from Rikers Island (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Carlito gets into a big beef with the upstart Benny Blanco. He also unwittingly agrees to help Kleinfeld rip off Tony Taglialucci, eventually earning the ire of the mob.

False Goal: Avoid getting caught up in the criminal activities around him.

Intentional Opposition: Benny Blanco finally confronts Carlito over his mistreatment. Kleinfeld double-crosses Carlito, manipulating his loyalty to elicit support.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Turn: 63 of 129 minutes (48.8%) – Benny Blanco comes to the club in search of Stephy, but she’s “preoccupied” with Kleinfeld. Carlito insults Benny and Kleinfeld escalates things by pulling a gun. Carlito’s goons escort Benny to the back exit. When Benny threatens him, Carlito’s old instincts kick in and he knocks Benny down a flight of stairs.

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act Three: Carlito knocks Benny down the stairs.
“Judo chop!”

His goons want to kill Benny but Carlito tells them to let him go against his better judgement.

Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: 71 of 129 minutes (55%) – Carlito goes to Kleinfeld’s house party where he is asked to help spring Tony Taglialucci using Kleinfeld’s boat. Carlito reluctantly agrees, thinking Kleinfeld is in over his head.

Act Run Time: 19 of 129 minutes (14.7%)


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: 77 of 129 minutes (59.6%)

Carlito goes along with Kleinfeld’s plan (the doomed plan) out of a misguided sense of loyalty (self-inflicted opposition) to help Kleinfeld break Tony T. out of prison (penultimate goal). But after Carlito and Gale fall out over his loyalty to Kleinfeld, and when Dave kills Frank and Tony Taglialucci (the lowpoint), Carlito learns Gale is pregnant with his child and comes up with a plan for the three of them to escape to the Bahamas (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Carlito agreeing to help Kleinfeld with his prison break puts him on the mob’s hitlist.

Penultimate Goal: Help Dave spring Tony Taglialucci.

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Carlito goes along with Kleinfeld’s plan to spring Tony T, not knowing Kleinfeld intends to kill Tony and his son.

Turning Point Catalyst – The Lowpoint: 90 of 129 minutes (69.7%) – Carlito and Gale return to her apartment where she questions him about what Kleinfeld wants to do on a boat. She tells him that he hasn’t changed and wisely warns him that Kleinfeld and every instinct he learned in his neighborhood is going to get him  killed. He tells her that Kleinfeld is his friend and he has to do this one last thing because he owes him. It’s who and what he is. The two part ways.

Carlito and Dave meet Tony’s son Frank and set off on their late night trip to pick up Tony Taglialucci. Dave is a jerk to Frank. He ultimately kills Tony and Frank before Carlito can stop him.

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act Four. Dave Kleinfeld kills Tony Taglialucci.
“This is for my 3rd grade lunch money!”

Back at the house Carlito gets Dave to admit that he actually stole Tony T’s million dollars and to say that they’re even.

Sasso tells Carlito that Pachanga is disgruntled and spying on him for Benny Blanco.

Kleinfeld gets a call at his office that his Benz has been damaged. When he heads down to investigate he’s stabbed up by the Italians.

Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: 104 of 129 minutes (80.6%) – Carlito catches Gale on the way to the doctor. She tells him she’s pregnant and getting an abortion. The DA and the police surround them and tells Carlito Kleinfeld was stabbed earlier in the day and to come with them. Gale says she is going too.

Norwalk tells Carlito about Kleinfeld’s illicit activities and plays a tape revealing Dave is the one who told him Carlito was dealing again.

Afterward Gale and Carlito ride in a cab. He tells her he has a plan and a way to get out of it. He goes and gets train tickets to Miami and tells her they can escape to the Bahamas. He asks her to meet him at the train to Miami at 11:30.

Act Run Time: 32 of 129 minutes (24.8%)



The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: 109 minutes (84.4%)

Carlito tries to outsmart the mob (the longshot) who want to kill him for his role in Tony T’s death (ultimate opposition) before he can escape to the Bahamas with Gale (ultimate goal). But when Sasso steals Carlito’s money forcing him to re-confront the mob on his way out of the club (all is lost) Carlito leads them through the subway in a daring chase only to be shot by Benny Blanco as he boards the train (the final push).

The Longshot: Carlito attempts to outsmart the DA and the mob to sneak out of the country with Gale.

Ultimate Goal: Escape to the Bahamas with Gale.

Ultimate Opposition: The mob guys piece together that Carlito helped Kleinfeld kill Tony T and attempt to murder him, throwing a monkey wrench in his escape plan. Plus Benny Blanco wants revenge for being slighted.

Turning Point Catalyst – All is Lost: 120 of 129 minutes (93%) – Carlito sneaks away from the Italians to his office only to find his money has been stolen. He realizes it was Sasso and confronts him. Sasso tells him the money is behind the register. Tony has to go back through the club and is confronted by Tony’s remaining son Vincent.

Turning Point Five – The Final Push: 124 of 129 minutes (96.1%) – Having realized Carlito escaped, Vincent and his crew head outside and give chase. Carlito leads them through the subway on a daring chase, only to be surprisingly shot by Benny Blanco while boarding the train.

Carlito's Way Story Structure Act Six. Carlito dies.
Though they did kind of warn you up front.

Act Run Time: 18 of 129 minutes (13.9%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: 127 of 129 minutes (98.4%)

The New Situation: Carlito is dying. Having failed to escape with Gale he gives her all the money he saved up and tells her to take their baby and escape.

Act Run Time: 2 of 129 minutes (1.5%)

To learn more about Six Act story structure, purchase your copy of “Actions and Goals: The Story Structure Secret” today!

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