Legally Blonde/Blind Doggie Fundraiser

Help Duke See Again
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I should point out that the pun here was completely unintended. Thanks to Katie for submitting her awesome Six Act analysis for the Reese Witherspoon comedy classic Legally Blonde! I had intended it to be my next blog post, but over the course of the last few weeks my very good boy Duke lost his sight due to cataracts from a complication of diabetes. Luckily, in most cases the condition is treatable with surgery to remove the cataracts and implant an artificial lens to prevent recurrence. Unfortunately, the procedure is just as expensive as it sounds. So my wife and I started a fundraiser to get our happy boy his sight back. He’s in otherwise good health, so we hope to get him back to zipping around the backyard with his sisters before his condition worsens. If you’d like to make a contribution here, any amount would be appreciated! Either way, enjoy the breakdown of Legally Blonde.

Format: Film

Released: 2001

Screenplay By: Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith

Directed By: Robert Luketic

Run Time: 91 minutes

Character: Elle Woods

New Role: A Serious Law Student

Plot summary of the 2001 comedy film Legally Blonde continues below…

Story Structure Analysis: Legally Blonde


All of the main characters are introduced. The story world and its mechanics are established. Foundations are laid for the main throughline, subplots, and central conflict.


A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation and must assume a New Role.

Simple fashion major Elle Woods (the imperfect situation) isn’t seen as a “serious” person by the powers that be (oppressive opposition) as she hopes to get engaged to her boyfriend Warner (initial goal). But when what she thought would be a proposal turns out to be a break-up (the disturbance), Elle decides to go to Harvard Law School (the dilemma) to prove to Warner she’s a serious person (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: Elle isn’t taken seriously for her intelligence and her boyfriend is only with her for her looks

Initial Goal: Get engaged to Warner and live happily ever after.

Oppressive Opposition: No one takes her seriously because of how she looks

Episode 0: Prologue: NA

Episode 1: Out of Order: 0 minutes – Elle gets ready for a big date because she thinks her boyfriend Warner is about to propose. She and her friends go dress shopping where the shop workers discriminate because they think she’s a dumb blonde. Elle demonstrates her intelligence. 

Episode 2: Turning Point Catalyst One – The Disturbance: 5 minutes (5.4%) – Warner picks Elle up for a date. They go out — big setup of her expectation, then he lands the blow and breaks up with her, telling her needs a serious partner if he’s going to be a successful Senator. Elle is devastated. 

Episode 3: Turning Point One – The Dilemma: 11 minutes (12%) – A week has passed and Elle is still wallowing in grief. Her friends take her to get her nails done to cheer her up. She sees Warner’s brother and his fiancé in a magazine and realizes she can become the type of girl Warner wants to marry by going to Harvard Law school. 

The New Role: A Serious law student

Act Run Time: 13 minutes (14.2%)


The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: 13 minutes (14.2%)

Elle must put her studies over extracurriculars (the unfamiliar situation) and deal with stuffy ivy league types (incidental opposition) to attend Harvard Law School (transitional goal). But when Elle learns Warner is engaged to her new nemesis (the reality check), Elle resolves to steal him back by excelling as a law student (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: Skipping parties in order to study — being a “serious” student, showing up at Harvard Law School

Transitional Goal: Get accepted to and attend Harvard Law School

Incidental Opposition: Even though she was accepted on her own merit, no one at Harvard takes her seriously.

Episode 4: Rushed Initiation: 13 minutes (14.2%) – Elle tells her parents who put her down, then her career counselor who tells her what she’ll need to get in, then friends. Montage working hard to get into Harvard culminating in “Elle Woods, welcome to Harvard.”

Elle arrives at Harvard and gets acquainted with her Unfamiliar Situation and its serious students. She runs into Warner and makes plans to meet him after her first class.

Episode 5: Turning Point Catalyst Two – The Reality Check: 25 minutes (27.4%) – Elle attends class where she’s the only one without a laptop. Professor Stromwell is stern but effective. She calls on Elle who is ill-prepared and Vivian gets Elle kicked out of class as a result.

Elle meets Emmet while waiting for Warner on the benches after getting kicked out of class. She learns Warner is engaged to Vivian who got her kicked out. She has Elle’s engagement ring and Warner calls Vivian by Elle’s pet name. 

Episode 6: Turning Point Two – The Commitment: 31 minutes (34%) – Upset, Elle goes to find solace in getting her nails done There she meets hopeless Paulette (B story) who encourages her to commit to her goal and “steal the bastard back.”

Act Run Time: 22 minutes (24.1%) 


The character is thrown in the middle of the Central Conflict and is placed at direct odds with the forces of antagonism. He undergoes a series of successes and failures as he works toward resolving the main throughline.


The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time: 35 minutes (38.4%) 

Elle bumps heads with Vivian (the central conflict) who does anything she can to undermine her (intentional opposition) as she tries to steal Warner back (false goal). But when Warner tells Elle she isn’t smart enough to get Callahan’s internship (the turn), Elle realizes he doesn’t think she’s good enough and resolves to prove him wrong (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Elle vs. Vivian and everyone else who thinks she’s just a dumb blonde. 

False Goal: Steal Warner back from Vivian

Intentional Opposition: Vivian sets out to thwart Elle at every chance. 

Episode 7: Hard-Earned Progress: 35 minutes (38.4%) – Intro to Callahan’s class and prestigious internship opportunity. This time Elle is prepared. There is a standoff between Elle and Vivian. Elle wins and throws down the gauntlet. “I’m not afraid of a challenge.”

Elle crashes Warner’s football game to attract him with her looks. Vivian prevents her from joining their study group. The feminist groups also discriminate against her for being a dumb blonde. Sad, Elle calls old friends but she is now completely out of their loop. 

Episode 8: Turning Point Catalyst Three – The Turn: 39 minutes (42.8%) – Elle overhears Vivian planning a party. Vivian invites her, telling her it’s a costume party. Elle shows up at the party wearing a bunny costume only to learn it isn’t a costume party, Unperturbed, she tells off Vivian and finds Warner. Warner tells Elle she isn’t smart enough to get Callahan’s internship. He tells her to be serious. She realizes she’s never gonna be good enough in his opinion. 

Episode 9: Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: Combined with the Turn

Act Run Time: 8 minutes (8.7%) 


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: 42 minutes (46.1%)

Elle wins a prestigious Callahan internship (the doomed plan) but struggles to keep her client’s confidentiality from her team (self-inflicted opposition) while proving she’s a legitimate law student (penultimate goal). But when Callahan makes a pass at her and Vivian accuses her of sleeping her way to success, Elle decides to quit law school (the lowpoint) until Professor Stromwell convinces her to toughen up (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Elle attempts to land Callahan’s internship and help his team win an important case. 

Penultimate Goal: Win the Callahan internship to prove she is a legitimate law student. 

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Elle refuses to give up Brooke’s alibi, putting her at odds with the rest of Callahan’s team. 

Episode 10: Inflated Sense of Heroism: minutes (%) – 42 minutes (46.1%) – Elle immediately goes to buy a laptop and doubles down her studies. 

A montage commences of Elle working hard and doing well in classes. B-Story: Stands up for Paulette against her ex and gets her dog back. 

After outperforming Warner in class, Callahan encourages Elle to apply for his internship and she gives him her pink resume. Elle gets accepted into Callahan’s internship and the stakes intensify.

The murder case is introduced. Elle does well and gains Brooke’s confidence because they’re in the same sorority. Elle teaches Paulette the Bend ‘n snap.

The trial begins and the pool boy testifies he had an affair with Brooke. Meanwhile, at the salon, Paulette accidentally breaks the UPS man’s nose. At a water fountain, the Pool boy tells Elle not to stomp her last season Prada shoes at him. She realizes he is gay and making up the affair but Callihan shuts her down. Emmet cross-examines the witness based on Elle’s intuition with Callahan’s permission and tricks Pool Boy into admitting he’s gay. 

Episode 11: Turning Point Catalyst Four – The Lowpoint: 73 minutes (80.2%) – 73 minutes: Back at the firm that night, Vivian, who is now acting nice to Elle, tells her Callahan wants to see her in his office. He congratulates her on following her intuition about Enrique and getting the alibi from Brooke. Things take a turn when Callahan makes a pass at her and feels her up. Vivian who only witnesses a portion from outside the door accuses Elle of sleeping her way to the top. Elle tells Emmett she’s going back to LA. He tries to talk her out of it to no avail.

Episode 12: Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: 77 minutes (84.6%) – Elle stops at the salon to say goodbye to Paulette. Unbeknownst to her, Professor Stromwell who’s at the salon getting her hair done overhears and tells her “If you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you’re not the girl I thought you were.”

Act Run Time: 36 minutes (39.5%)


The character and the forces of antagonism engage in a final confrontation to resolve the Central Conflict. The main throughline and all additional subplots are resolved. The new status quo is established.


The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: 78 minutes (85.7%)

Elle takes over as Brooke’s lawyer (the longshot) and must prove her legal prowess in a real murder trial (ultimate opposition) to win the case and graduate law school (ultimate goal). But when Elle struggles out of the gate (all is lost), she uses her special knowledge to catch the witness in a lie and prove her client’s innocence (the final push).

The Longshot: Elle attempts to prove Brooke’s innocence as the primary lawyer on her case.

Ultimate Goal: Win the case and graduate law school

Ultimate Opposition: Elle must prove her legal prowess in front of a real judge and jury at a murder trial. The witnesses are hostile. The judge’s patience is tested by Elle’s inexperience. 

Episode 13: Here’s the Plan: 78 minutes (85.7%) – Vivian learns she was wrong when Emmett tells Brooke why Elle quit. Emmet says maybe there’s something they can do about it. 

80 minutes: Brooke fires Callahan. Elle walks in wearing pink and announces she is taking over the case. The judge accepts the change only when the licensed Emmet agrees to assist. Brooke ensures Judge she knows what she’s doing. Elle’s friends come for support.

Episode 14: Turning Point Catalyst Five – All is Lost: 82 minutes (90.1%) – Brooke’s stepdaughter Chutney takes the stand and Elle attempts to cross-examine her. After a rough start, it doesn’t seem like Elle knows what she’s doing. Weak-ish “all is lost” moment as she repeats the shower question. Emmett tells them to have faith.

Episode 15: Turning Point Five – The Final Push: 85 minutes (93.4%) – Elle gains her footing when Chutney says she was washing her hair after getting a perm. Elle uses her particular brand of blonde expertise (mirroring the shop scene in the opening), this time about perm maintenance and gets Chutney to confess to killing her father on the stand. Case dismissed. Everyone cheers except for Chutney and Callahan.

Act Run Time: 9 minutes (9.8%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: 87 minutes (95.6%)

Elle graduates law school at the top of her class with a new true love who plans to propose (the new situation).

Episode 16: The New Situation: 87 minutes (95.6%): Outside of the courtroom, Warner tries to reconcile his relationship with Elle and tells her he loves her. She turns his earlier line back around on him and walks out the door.

At graduation, Professor Stromwell proudly introduces Elle as the class speaker. Elle gives a speech and uses the Aristotle quote from her first class with Stromwell(payoff). Supers explain Vivian and Elle are friends, Warner’s graduating without honors or job offers, Paulette is having a baby with the UPS guy, and Emmett is proposing to Elle that night to take the story full circle. 

Act Run Time: 4 minutes (4.3%) 

To learn more about six act structure, purchase your copy of “Actions and Goals: The Story Structure Secret” today!

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