Story Structure Analysis: Moana (Movie)

Format: Movie

Released: 2016

Screenplay By: Jared Bush

Directed By: Ron Clements and John Musker

Run Time: 96 minutes

Character: Moana “You Will Board My Boat” of Motunui

Plot summary of the 2016 film Moana continues below…

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Story Structure Analysis: Moana


All of the main characters are introduced. The story world and its mechanics are established. Foundations are laid for the main throughline, subplots and central conflict.


A character in an Imperfect Situation faces Oppressive Opposition as he pursues an Initial Goal. But when there is a Disturbance to his routine, he faces a Dilemma regarding his situation and must assume a New Role.

Free-spirited young girl Moana dreams of sailing the seas (the imperfect situation) but is forbidden from it by her father the chief (oppressive opposition) as she struggles to come to terms with her role on the island (initial goal). But when the coconut trees begin dying and the fishermen can’t find fish (the disturbance), Moana’s grandmother tells her she’s the chosen one and gives her the heart of Te Fiti to return to its place (the dilemma), sending Moana on an oceanic adventure (the new role).

The Imperfect Situation: Moana, daughter of the chief, dreams of sailing away from her island, but her father and the traditions of her people forbid it.

Initial Goal: Moana wants to come to terms with her role on the island.

Oppressive Opposition: Moana’s dad intervenes with every attempt she makes to take a boat into the ocean.

Episode 0: Prologue – 0 minutes: Moana’s grandma tells baby Moana about Maui, Te Fiti, and Te Kā . This sparks Moana’s desire to explore the seas. She waddles down to the beach and helps a baby turtle reach the ocean. The Ocean responds by giving her a series of seashells, culminating in the heart of Te Fiti and marking her as special.

Moana Story Analysis: The ocean gives baby Moana a swirly.
The reverse swirly.

Her father finds her and tells her it’s dangerous to go into the ocean.

Episode 1: Out of Order: 7 minutes (7.2%) – Moana’s dad and the villagers sing a song about the joys of living on the island as Moana grows up but she longs to explore the oceans. This goes on for years until her dad takes her to the stack of stones where all the village leaders place a stone and tells her she must place on there. Reluctantly accepts that she is the princess of the village and must lead her people.

Episode 2: Turning Point Catalyst – The Disturbance: 12 minutes (12.5%) – Moana has decided to follow her dad’s instructions and goes about her daily princess duties, helping take care of the village. But when the coconut pickers reveal that all the coconuts they’ve harvested are ashes on the inside and the village fishermen can no longer find any fish in the reef, Moana suggests they fish beyond the reef. Moana’s dad forbids it. Moana’s mother tells her about her dad’s boyhood trip beyond the reef and how his best friend died because of it. In spite of this, Moana tries to take a boat out on the ocean and she and her pig Pua nearly drown.

Episode 3: Turning Point One – The Dilemma: 21 minutes (21.8%) – Moana learns her tribe’s real history when her grandmother shows her the secret cave with all their old boats. The tribe had to stop exploring because Maui stole the heart of Te Fiti and released the darkness. Her grandma gives her the heart of Te Fiti and tells her the Ocean chose her. Moana runs off to convince her dad to restore it to save their island. Her dad is displeased, but when grandma falls ill, Moana sneaks off to restore the heart herself.

The New Role: Moana becomes a voyager and sailor.

Act Run Time: 32 minutes (33.3%)


The character Learns the Rules of an Unfamiliar Situation and faces Incidental Opposition in pursuit of a Transitional Goal. But when he receives a Reality Check, he makes a Commitment to his New Role.

Act Start Time: 32 minutes (33.3%)

Moana sets sail in the Pacific ocean with no training or experience (the unfamiliar situation), nearly loses her boat and sails into a storm (incidental opposition) as she tries to reach Maui and get him to return the heart (transitional goal). But when Maui turns out to be a self-serving narcissist who traps her in a cave and steals her boat (the reality check), Moana goes after him and must battle a horde of Kakamora before agreeing to help him get his hook back (the commitment).

The Unfamiliar Situation: With no prior experience, Moana sails the open seas in search of Maui.

Transitional Goal: Find Maui and convince him to return Te Fiti’s heart.

Incidental Opposition: Moana discovers Hei Hei has stowed away on her boat and must confine him to prevent him from stumbling into the ocean. Moana struggles with learning how to sail, falls asleep and capsizes her boat. When a storm closes in, the Ocean doesn’t seem to be of much help. When a band of Kakamora attack and steal the heart, Maui offers no help in getting in back.

Moana Story Analysis: In this animated image, three small, coconut shaped Kakamora go from adorable to menacing when they apply war paint in the shape of scowling eyebrows and sharp teeth before brandishing knives and spears..

Episode 4: Rushed Initiation: 32 minutes (33.3%): Moana sails the open seas alone in search of Maui. When Moana discovers Hei Hei has stowed away on board she nearly loses her boat trying to rescue him from the sea. She falls asleep at the oar and loses her bearing. A storm hits and capsizes her boat.

Episode 5: Turning Point Catalyst – The Reality Check: 35 minutes (36.4%) – Shipwrecked on an island, Moana finds Maui. He turns out to be not the hero of legend, but a self-absorbed jerk who traps her in a cave and steals her boat.

Moana Story Analysis: Maui bows before Moana and tells her "You're welcome."
What can I say.

Episode 6: Turning Point Two – The Commitment: 41 minutes (42.7%) – Moana escapes the cave and goes after Maui with a little help from the ocean. But when Kakamora attack and capture Hei Hei who’s swallowed the heart, Moana fights through them to get them both back. Moana agrees to help Maui get his hook back if he will restore the heart of Te Fiti. The two of them shake on it.

Act Run Time: 19 minutes (19.7%)


The character is thrown in the middle of the Central Conflict and is placed at direct odds with the forces of antagonism. He undergoes a series of successes and failures as he works toward resolving the main throughline.


The character stumbles into the Central Conflict and faces Intentional Opposition in pursuit of a False Goal. But when there is a grave Turn of events, he has a Moment of Truth.

Act Start Time: 51 minutes (53.1%)

Moana and Maui face monsters of Polynesian lure (the central conflict) who have no reservations about killing them (intentional opposition) as they try to get Maui’s hook back (false goal). But when Maui can no longer control his hook powers and Moana must use her smarts to save them both (the turn), Moana agrees to help Maui remaster his powers in exchange for learning how to sail (the moment of truth).

The Central Conflict: Moana and Maui must battle the monsters of Polynesian lure to restore the Heart.

False Goal: Get Maui’s hook back.

Intentional Opposition: Tamatoa has Maui’s hook, and is willing to kill to keep it.

Episode 7: Making Progress: 51 minutes (53.1%) – Maui agrees to teach Moana how to wayfind. She has a dream of returning to her island only to see it crumble into ash. When she awakens, Maui tells her they’ve arrived at the entrance to the realm of monsters. He tries to leave Moana behind but she climbs up the mountain alongside him.

Episode 8: Turning Point Catalyst – The Turn: – 57 minutes (59.3%): Moana jumps into the realm of monsters behind Maui and is promptly attacked by an assortment of monsters.

Moana Story Analysis: In the dark, neon lit under water realm of monsters, Moana is approached by the creepy, odd-moving masked creature.
This thing has no business being in a kids’ movie.

Maui uses Moana as bait to distract Tamatoa while he gets his hook. Maui recovers the hook but discovers he can no longer use it properly. It is up to Moana to outsmart Tamatoa. She breaks out of the cage Tamatoa put her in and uses a clever ruse with bioluminescent algae to make a fake heart of Te Fiti.

Episode 9: Turning Point Three – The Moment of Truth: 65 minutes (67.7%): After escaping the realm of monsters, Maui apologizes to Moana for not believing in her. Disheartened about not being able to use his hook, Maui no longer wants to help restore the heart. Moana appeals to his basic decency by admitting she doesn’t know what she’s doing either but that she wants to help him. He tells her the story of how he became a demigod. Moana tells him the gods aren’t who make him Maui, he is. She volunteers to help him learn to remaster his powers.

Act Run Time: 19 minutes (19.7%)


The character implements a Doomed Plan and faces Self-Inflicted Opposition in pursuit of a Penultimate Goal. But when an unthinkable Lowpoint occurs, he pulls himself together and discovers a Newfound Resolve.

Act Start Time: 70 minutes (%)

Moana and Maui approach Te Kā head on (the doomed plan) and willingly engage in battle with her (self-inflicted opposition) as they try to defeat her together (penultimate goal). But when Maui severely damages his hook saving Moana and gives up on returning the heart  (the lowpoint), her grandmother’s spirit comes to give her a pep talk and Moana resolves to try again (the newfound resolve).

The Doomed Plan: Maui and Moana attempt to defeat Te Kā together and restore the heart.

Penultimate Goal: Remaster Maui’s power, defeat Te Kā together.

Self-Inflicted Opposition: Moana doesn’t listen to Maui’s instructions when they face Te Kā and his hook is catastrophically damaged saving her.

Episode 10: False Sense of Heroism – 70 minutes (72.9%): Maui begins relearning how to use his hook while teaching Moana how to sail properly. Maui tells Moana he now understands why the Ocean sent her. When they arrive at the island of Te Fiti, Moana gives him the heart and he flies off to save the world. Unfortunately, Maui is no match for Te Kā and is forced to retreat. Moana tries to steer the boat through the barrier islands and is nearly killed by Te Kā, but Maui saves her, severely damaging his hook.

Moana Story Analysis: Maui leaps into the air with his hook and colides with the fist of the giant lava goddess Te Ka.
Like swatting flies.

Episode 11: Turning Point Catalyst – The Lowpoint: 75 minutes (78.1%): Maui chastises Moana for not listening to him. He refuses to re-engage with Te Kā for fear that his hook will be permanently destroyed. He flies off, leaving Moana alone.

Episode 12: Turning Point Four – The Newfound Resolve: 78 minutes (81.2%): The ghost of Moana’s grandma shows up and apologizes for putting so much responsibility on her. She tells Moana she will still support her if she turns back. Moana resolves to try again without Maui.

Act Run Time: 13 minutes (13.5%)


The character and the forces of antagonism engage in a final confrontation to resolve the Central Conflict. The main throughline and all additional subplots are resolved. The new status quo is established.


The character tries a Longshot and faces Ultimate Opposition while trying to accomplish the Ultimate Goal. But just when it seems All is Lost, he makes a Final Push against the forces of antagonism and either succeeds or fails.

Act Start Time: 83 minutes (86.4%)

Lowly human Moana goes up against a goddess (the longshot) who is furiously defending Te Fiti’s island (ultimate opposition) as Moana attempts to return the heart of Te Fiti alone (ultimate goal). But when Moana’s boat is capsized and she is nearly killed before Maui returns (all is lost), he creates a distraction while Moana tries to return the heart first to Te Fiti and then to Te Kā (the final push).

The Longshot: Moana, a mere human, goes up against the goddess Te Kā.

Ultimate Goal: Return the heart to Te Fiti alone.

Ultimate Opposition: Moana battles the goddess Te Kā all by herself.

Moana Story Analysis: As the sun sets, Moana sails her boat over the waves with a look of determination on her face.
“Let’s do this.”

Episode 13: Here’s the Plan: 83 minutes (86.4%): Moana sails back toward the island and explains the plan to Hei Hei. None of which he understands because he is a chicken.

Episode 14: Turning Point Catalyst – All is Lost: 85 minutes (88.5%): Moana makes it past the barrier reef, but her boat is capsized by Te Ka. Maui returns and saves her from being pulverized. He engages Te Ka to buy Moana time to replace the heart.

Episode 15: Turning Point Five – The Final Push: 88 minutes (91.6%): Moana discovers Te Fiti is gone. This leads her to realize that Te Ka is Te Fiti. She holds up the heart to get Te Ka’s attention then boldly strides up to give it to her.

Act Run Time: 89 minutes (92.7%)


Having accomplished (or failed to have accomplished) the Ultimate Goal, the character is shown living in a New Situation.

Act Start Time: 89 minutes (92.7%)

Moana saved the world and fulfilled the prophecy. Her parents and people are proud of her. (the new situation).

Moana Story Analysis: Moana and the Ocean high five.
Give me one!

Episode 16: The New Situation: 89 minutes (92.7%): Moana is a hero. Te Fiti is returned to normal. The darkness leaves the world. Maui gets a new hook from Te Fiti. Moana’s island springs back to life as she returns home. Moana’s people return to being voyagers again.

Act Run Time: 7 minutes (7.2%)

To learn more about six act structure, purchase your copy of “Actions and Goals: The Story Structure Secret” today!

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